Traditional approaches to removing stains such as ballpoint pen paste stains, makeup stains, felt-tip pens and markers have boiled down to a few principles:
- Apply a solvent-based stain remover and rinse off the dissolved stain. For example, Textile Paint Remover or Grease Eliminator;
- Apply an alkaline stain remover, such as Skaria Cleaner, and wait for the stain to become limp and rinse off.
Yes, such approaches have shown themselves to be effective. Yes, it may be cheap and effective to remove stains this way. But … the dilemma may occur with the selection of stain removers for cleaning furniture and carpets
How to choose stain removers for cleaning furniture and carpets
Any technological process, including the process of cleaning upholstered furniture, cleaning carpets, washing carpets, has its own nuances. And it is necessary to collect a set of chemicals for dry cleaning of upholstered furniture or carpets, including taking into account possible nuances.
What am I talking about?
And that the furniture is different! There are different types of upholstery, and not all of them can be used with a solvent-based stain remover or an alkaline stain remover.
For example, we are faced with the task of cleaning a flock, the pile of which is glued to the base. Can we use a solvent based stain remover, alkaline stain remover? Obviously not. Let with some reservations that we can, but through a tampon or napkin, but still using such stain removers is risky.
Any chemicals are not safe, but Wieberr is safer.
The risk can be reduced by using a stain remover that contains a minimum of solvents, and the removal of stains is mainly due to the synergistic effect of other components.
The situation also looks like if we have to clean a woolen carpet with a glued pile.
Yes, even when using Ink Remover, we must take reasonable precautions: test before use, apply wisely to stain, rinse thoroughly. But the risks associated with removing stains can be reduced several times over by using the right product.
Thus, we can confidently say that a master who wants to have a truly universal set of chemicals for cleaning furniture and carpets will definitely want to see Ink Remover in such a set.
A truly unique result: remove ballpoint pen stain from the leather / skin
Moreover, I have a complete killer argument why such a stain remover is needed in a set for mobile dry cleaning: the product removes ballpoint pen paste from leather and leatherette, if the stain is not too old.
Experienced dry-cleaners of upholstered furniture know that in almost 100% of cases, even a fresh stain from a ballpoint pen cannot be removed from the surface of leatherette or leather.
Alcohol or solvent-based stain removers, at best, drive the pigment away from the paste into the pores of the surface layer of the paint. And in the worst case, they damage this very surface layer and leave stains even worse than a teal with a ballpoint pen!
Remove ballpoint pen ink from leatherette using Ink Remover
Until recently, there was only one salvation – the restoration of leather furniture!
Ink Remover has managed to break the stereotype in this matter. Based on the tests carried out, it can be argued that fresh traces of a ballpoint pen on leather and leatherette with the help of Ink Remover are removed with a high degree of probability:
- stains for several hours – 95% probability of stain removal;
- stains 1-2 days – 75% probability of stain removal;
- stains 3-4 days – the probability of stain removal is higher than 50%;
- stains 5 days or more – the probability of complete removal of the stain from 30%;
- stains more than a week – the probability of stain removal is less than 30%;
- stains that have been on the skin or leatherette for more than two weeks are usually not completely removed.
At the same time, Ink Remover is absolutely safe for leather and leatherette products!
Many craftsmen have already used the drug in the harsh conditions of field work for dry cleaning of upholstered furniture.
Here’s testimonial about Wieberr Ink remover from our colleague Valentin Pashko. He writes about its application:

“Respect to Artkhim and the entire technical department for Ink Remuver today in Italy (Keoma, Cavio) worked viscose, jacquard, pesy tapestry, viscose + cotton - all in gouache, paints, in general, fine art on the upholstery - they brought everything to zero and Gum Remuver smells like gum turpentine))) sorry, maybe for offtopic "

Buy Ink Remover and other Wieberr products now and get a 15% discount. Use them at your facilities: clean furniture, remove stains by your own, and appreciate all the power of new chemistry for dry cleaning!